
Wildlife Management and Mitigation

NorthWind’s professional biologists provide a range of wildlife management and technical services, working closely with clients to develop pertinent wildlife mitigation strategies tailored to their project at hand while ensuring provincial and federal regulatory requirements are met and compliant permits are obtained.



From conducting amphibian translocation programs and creating wildlife deterrence systems during environmental spill response activities to providing migratory bird sweeps prior to oil and gas disturbances aimed to prevent incidental take, our decision making is based on sound scientific principles and practical industry experience.

We combine our wildlife expertise with our in-depth knowledge of site-specific regulatory requirements in the oil and gas industry to provide effective solutions and mitigation options.

Our wildlife management and biological services include:

  • Spill Response - Wildlife Management and Mitigation;
  • Wildlife Sweeps and Habitat Assessments;
  • Migratory Bird and Nest Sweeps including songbird point counts;
  • Amphibian visual surveys for adult and juvenile amphibians, eggs, and larvae;
  • Amphibian translocation; and,
  • Nocturnal amphibian call surveys.


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Contact Us

NorthWind Land Resources Inc.

 Tel. 780.481.9777
 Fax 780.430.9776

 2404 Ellwood Drive SW
Edmonton, AB T6X 0A9

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